Light weather closes gaps in leaderboard at day three
It’s a tricky day on the water today, with light weather and shifty conditions. Hard work for sailors and race committee.

The sunny city of Workum has had perfect sailing conditions all week. Today the weather was light, which shuffled the leaderboard a little.
Smart and hard work key to stay in the lead
Ties Wijbinga (NED) is leading the Laser 4.7 all week. His secret? “Just hard work. You really have to be smart on the water, I keep checking the wind and shifts. That’s very important in the strong winds we had the first two days. Today was more difficult. In the last race, I had a bad start, got stuck in the middle of the fleet.” Tomorrow there’s more wind predicted again. “My main goal is to race as good as possible. When I come back from the water, I want to look back and be happy with the choices I’ve made. So far that’s working out for me this event.”
The best girl in the Laser 4.7 at the moment is Anja von Allmen (SUI). “Maybe it’s a bit strange to say, but I don’t really care about the results. As long as I’m happy with my sailing, it’s good. My goal is to perform better than the last regatta I’ve sailed. Although, I wouldn’t say no to a medal!” It’s not the first time the Swiss is sailing in Workum. “I’m coming to this event every year, before the Laser I’ve sailed the Optimist. It’s one of the best venues to come to, really love this place.”
For Willem Wiersema (NED) it’s a tough day in the Laser Radial. He started in a leading position, but a BFD, an 18th and 32nd place he drops to a seventh place overall. Teun in der Maur (NED) takes over the leading position. Paul Hameeteman (NED) is in second place and Emma Savelon (NED) in third, she’s also the best girl in the Laser Radial this event.
Super close racing in 29er
It’s very close racing in the 29er, Mathias Berthet and Alexander Franks Penty (NOR) manage to stay in the lead with 27 points. The distance with Aussies Archie Cropley and Max Paul is only 3 points. French Aristide Girou and Noah Chauvin are in third place with 44 points. The best Dutch team during this event is Dolf Hendriksen with Wiebrand de Vos, they’re in tenth place. “It’s a really strong fleet this year. Our goal is to end in the top 10, last year we finished in eleventh place in a smaller fleet. We want to improve this result in this year’s fleet.”
Worse Nacra 15 conditions today
There’s a strong international fleet in the Nacra 15. The key to staying in the lead according to leaders Jesse Lindstädt and Lisa Rauch (GER): “Minimize mistakes. We’re trying to keep the boat going, and that’s going good so far. Today the light winds and big waves made it difficult. These are the worst conditions for the Nacra. If you get stuck in between those waves.. Really don’t want that. You do want to use the hight of the big waves.” It’s a puzzle for the sailors to use the waves as good as possible in the light conditions. The German team are aiming for the gold medal tomorrow. Rauch: “We have to stay focused during the race and give 110 per cent.”
The best girl in Optimist on home water
There’s a strong battle going on in the Optimist. Boris Hirsch (SUI) starts the day in a leading position, he already told us he’s more in favour in stronger winds. Today he isn’t racing his best day and ends in a second place overall. Daniel Links (AUS) takes over his leading position. Best girl and Dutch sailor is Yanne Broers: “I’m doing pretty well this week. Today I started too early and got a UFD, that’s a bit of a shame. Tomorrow I’m going to focus on good starts and hope for the best in the races. My goal is a top ten position.”
Belgium still strong in Cadet
Leading in the Cadet all week is the Belgium team Thibaud Dirix and Thomas Winand. They’ve created a gap of 12 points with Isabelle Dompas and Casimir Muylle (BEL). In third place we find the best scoring Dutch team with Pol and Bloeme Klein.
Closing gap in RS Feva
The last day of racing will be exciting for the top 2 in the RS Feva. With Imme Rijk and Bente Zuidema (NED) leading all week, Laura van den Acker and Femke van den Berg (NED) managed to come closer today. The lighter weather treated them well winning all races today. For Rijk and Zuidema the day was more difficult with two-second places and even a fourth and third, which they could discharge immediately. The Dutch teams are leading the event in the RS Feva, the best non-Dutch team is in sixth place: Ster van Scherpenseel and Feline Vreeburg (USA).
Racing on Sunday
Sunday will be the last day of racing at the Dutch Youth Regatta. Wind will be a bit stronger again. Three races are planned for all classes, except 29er and Nacra 15, for them four races are scheduled. Racing starts at 9.55 hour for the Optimist sailors, the other classes start at 10.55 hour. Prize giving will take place as soon as possible after racing.
Comment (1)
[…] Nach zwei windigen Tagen gab es gestern auf dem Ijsselmeer erstmals leichtere Winde, was zu einigen Verschiebungen in den Klassementen geführt hat.Im Opti übernahm Daniel Links AUS die Führung, Boris Hirsch SUI tat sich gestern eher schwer und fiel auf Rang 2 zurück. Martin Atilla LAT folgt auf Rang 3. Yanne Broers NED ist als bestes Girl auf Rang 7. Einen Sprung nach vorne auf Rang 11 machte Stach Vleeshowers SUI. Johann Emmer GER ist als bester Deutscher 13.Im Laser 4.7 führt Teis Wijbinga weiterhin vor Peer Noordanus NED. Stark die Schweizerinnen: Als Tagesbeste (1/4/3) rückte Emilie Tschanz SUI auf Rang 6 vor, Anja Von Allmen SUI, Zweitbeste des Tages mit den Rängen 2/6/2, ist als bestes Mädchen weiterhin auf Rang 4.Im Laser Radial übernahm Teun In der Maur NED die Führung, Paul Hameeteman NED folgt auf Rang 2. Schwerer tat sich Martin Verhulst SUI mit den leichten Winden, er fiel auf Rang 7 zurück.Im Nacra 15 führen Jesse Lindstädt/Lise Rausch GER nun mit 2 Punkten Vorsprung auf Silas Mühle/Levke Möller GER. Georgia Payne/Nathan Bryant AUS folgen auf Rang 3. Arnaud Grange/Marie Van der Klink SUI sind weiterhin auf Rang 9.Alle Ranglisten und der Tagesbericht. […]
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